Saturday, January 16, 2016


Hello everyone,
please use this thread to sign up for presentations.

Deleuze (I haven't really assigned any texts yet other than the short text included in the Reader; I will assign the 2 short texts on societies of control which are included in Negotiations and can be easily located online--just google Deleuze and Control Society; I will also assign something from A Thousand Plateaus, I think. And possibly a brief piece by Deleuze that he wrote to Foucault, "Desire and Pleasure").

We'll proceed on a first come first serve basis. So before claiming your slot please make sure to review whether one of  the two slots per presentation day is in fact still available.

Once everyone has signed up we can see if we need to shuffle something around. For example, it might be the case that someone would really benefit from presenting on thinker A but did not get the chance to sign up. I don't think it's unreasonable to ask, in such a case, one of the two who managed to sign up whether they'd be willing to trade spots. But one step at a time. Let's sign up first; please do so at your earliest convenience but at the latest before Wednesday's class meeting.

The basic idea is this: each group will be responsible for running approximately the first half of those class meetings--say from 540-700ish. To this end, the groups should not only read the text(s) assigned for the day but also read additional texts by the thinker at hand. I would also expect you to read at least some secondary works; in one or the other case it might make sense to read one or more of the texts by thinkers that seem central interlocutors to your theorist at hand: in Wolfe's case, perhaps you do want to read something relevant by Derrida, etc .

You should then think about how to best use your 80 or so minutes. Approach the presentation as a TEACHING occasion: how might you teach something specific about the thinker at hand based on both the assigned class reading and your additional research with which your peers aren't likely to be familiar? What, based on your expert knowledge of the thinker, do you think are the most important aspects for everyone to know about the theorist, about the argument of the text we all will have read, and about how the theorist fits into the genealogy of biopower/biopolitics?

I would imagine that you rely both on lecture and discussions. For example, you might start with a mini lecture on the thinker and then move to a discussion of the text, making some connections to other texts. That might set up a series of discussion questions. You could even post some of those questions prior to coming to class, on our Blog. Sometimes it helps conversation when one already knows what the questions might be.

We can talk more about this individually, but I think this gives you a decent enough sense of what I have in mind. Feel free to use hand outs or multimedia, if you think it'd be appropriate.

Let me know if you have any questions about this. Best